にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ ワーホリへ



My farewell speech in English.

あっという間に3ヶ月の英語留学が終わり、最終日に待っていたのはFarewell speech。



My farewell speech.

When I passed through the gate of the school 12 weeks ago.

My English life started.

At first, The rule EOP that We must not speak Japanese.

It was very very painful for me.

I didn't know what I should in English.

But, I was helped by all the teachers and all the students.

〜For students.

Thank you for spending a long time together.

It might been difficult to understand my English.

But you tried to understand my English every time.

I'm happy to study English together.

I hope we can get together again.

〜For teacher S

You tough me ○○ class.

It was only a period of 3 weeks.

But I was able to enjoy your class.

I made a lot of mistakes during the class.

Although you taught me English patiently.

Thank you very much.

〜For teacher D

You taught me ○○ class.

You always made me laugh.

When I made crazy sentences, we laughed each other.

I will never forget it.

I was looking forward to taking your class every day.

〜For teacher H

You taught me ○○ class.

When I took your class for the first time,my pronunciation was very terrible and my mouth was very hard like a diamond.

But I practiced pronunciation with you every day.

My mouth is getting soft like a rice cake.

Sometimes you are strict,sometimes you are kind.

I like your teaching style.

〜For teacher T

You taught me ○○ class.

Your class was the strictest class which I took.

But,it's important for me to improve English.

I know when you go out with the students, you are kind and tasteful.

I wanna drink with you again.

〜For teacher J

You taught me ○○ class.

You always said to me「I wanna kill you!」「crazy!」

I was afraid of your class before taking your class.

But You are cheerful and you are always smiling.

I was interesting to be able to talk together.

〜For teacher J

You taught me ○○ class.

I learned the basics of English and fun of speaking English.

I learned a lot of things from you.

Thank you for taking care of me.

I have many memories at the school.

Activity day, My Birthday, Christmas and New year holiday.

Textbooks, notebooks as well.

These things are important to me.

I will value it for the rest of my life.

During stay, My English skills are better than before.

I'm going to keep studying English.

I promise to become able to speak English more fluently.

If the time comes, I will come back to see you again.

Thank you for teaching me English.









にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ ワーホリへ